Monday, May 14, 2012

A Prayer of Trust

Father thank you for this day. I have been sitting before you. I have been building myself up in my most holy faith. You have been speaking to me through your Word and strengthening the faith you have given me. I get so excited in your presence that it is hard for me to be still and quiet. Why are you so mindful of me my Lord? How can you love me so much? Yet, you assure me that you do and it gives me strength. I am so excited to see your supernatural intervention in my life again today. Thank you for showing me that you are the blessing, yes you and not the things you have made. Oh I love you Lord, because I am convinced of your love for me, and the hope I have of eternal life with you overwhelms me. Today Lord protect me from the enemy of my soul. Help me not to allow him access into my life by the things I do, or say, or set before me. Thank you for the angels that you have assigned to watch over me. I trust you Lord.